For users / visitors / guests is completely free of charge. does not charge any fee for bookings or sent requests to visitor / users of the portal.
All presentations that
owner, employee or
visitor of a tourist service wish to upload
are absolutely and for ever free of charge. This is valid for the
categories restaurant, night / disco club, bar / pub, event, sights /
attraction, museum / gallery / opera / theatre, shops / services,
national parks / nature parks, beaches, ski resorts, excursion sites,
fast foods / pastry shops, festivals, ZOOs / aquariums, casino, park
/ garden.
Providers of tourist services
pay for portal services according to the prices listed below.
Providers are people who offer the next
toursit services to portal users: private accommodation, hotels,
charter and other boats, cruisers and mini cruisers, camps, round
tours and programmes, excursions / sightseeings.
Price list for tourist service providers is a marketing portal so only a request is charged (e-mail) that the provider has received from the portal user, through the contact form on the portal for a service that is presented and offered through the portal. does not take provisions of the provider's price nor any charge for bookings from the users / guests according to this model of cooperation.
Request for booking an accommodation unit apartment or room up to 3 beds (1-3) including extra beds – 3,00 Euro.
For every extra bed the price rises for 0,50 Euro.
Request for booking an accommodation unit holiday home or mobile home up to 4 beds (1-4) including extra beds - 4 Euro.
For every extra bed the price rises for 0,50 Euro.
Accommodation unit charter boat – 4 Euro
Accommodation unit camp place and camper – 3 Euro
Accommodation unit cabin (mini cruiser and cruiser) – 4 Euro
these requests are not caluculated. The provider can set
the arrival day (f.e. - Saturday) and so only requests for Saturday
departures can be entered. The provider can destinguish the minimum
stay and in this case no requests below the set minimum stay can be
The provider is obligated to close the already booked days in the calendar, so that he does not receive requests that cannot be booked. If so, these requests will also be charged.
The requests are charged no matter if there was a booking or not. If there is one booking in 5 requests, marketing through is still the cheapest on the market and absolutely pays off.
If you do not book the received requests, think about presentation improvement (better pictures and videos) or price reduction.
The providers have to present the units correctly, otherwise there will be no requests that can be realized.
VAT is included in the price. is still not in the
VAT system.
The calculation will use the middle buying currency rate valid on
the day the invoice is issued.
Travelers You have visited an interesting restaurant, bar, attraction, event ? Share your positive experiences ! Write an article, post a video or photos you've taken.